Cat! I'm 2.5 years into baby #2 and I so needed to read this today. Whenever my self-confidence is low or work has subsided (for a mere 24 hours), I'll turn my head whenever someone whispers. Something I'm trying to get better at. I'm struggling with productivity v. money right now but now my rates reflect the fact I'm parent to two kids under 4. I mean, they can't not...right? Sending love!

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Sending love right back and yes, it's natural for confidence to take a knock when you step off the treadmill for a bit. X

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Ohh Cat this so resonates with me! I have such a scarcity mindset at the moment and it’s so easy to want to take on shit pay, but like you I have to be careful what I lend my energy and time to. This has given me a boost to be firm and boundaried on fees when I’m next looking. Thank you! Xx

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yes set those boundaries Ella. It has to be worth it when you're juggling a baby x

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